The story revolves around Nandini, a lady with rare qualities of beauty with brains. She is engrossed in her own world singing a song of Tagore’s Raktakarabi to her friends over a video call. Her husband Raj is on the other hand a corporate guy trying to concentrate in his work from home mode in this lockdown phase. Their utopian world crumbles as they encounter four people respectively. First, the elder brother of Nandini who in turn of events is bound to sell fruits in his locality to feed the family member. Then they encounter Sabjiwala, Malati Masi’s son and finally Jahangir –da Housekeeper. Both realise they are helpless in front of this widely spreading pandemic driven situation. Will Nandini fight back? Do we see Raj to support her or not? What is the path ahead?
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Genre : Social Awareness
Language : Bengali (with Subtitles)
Duration : 00:09:38
Production :
Director : Ananya Bhanja Chaudhuri
Story : Ananya Bhanja Chaudhuri
Cast : Neel Bhattacharya, Amrita Mallick, Tathagata Chaudhuri, Bishnu Sharma, Sagnik Adhikary
Music : Naba Kumar Adhikary
Cinematographer : Team Member's Family
Editor : Sayantan Adhikary
Look Set : Sandip Jaiswal
Sound Design & Mixing : Sayantan Adhikary
Production Company : ABC Entertainment